About us

People you can trust...

Peak to Peak Property Services is a family owned business and have seen steady growth and trust from property owners which has resulted in a portfolio of more than 160 Queenstown properties.

Our portfolio includes everything from rentals, absentee owners, commercial properties and some owners who live in Queenstown, but prefer to use their time doing things other than water blasting, cleaning gutters and rubbish removal and general yard maintenance. We have built a strong reputation by being good communicators, being reliable, always trustworthy and providing a reasonably priced service that suits individual properties needs.

Peak to Peak Property Services

Your Peak to Peak crew

Shawn Heeley
Owner Operator  

Hailing from somewhere in the Canadian wilderness, Shawn arrived on these shores 17yrs ago chasing dreams and a girl …well mostly the girl.  Settled in for the long haul, he fell in love with all things NZ, especially the unique and diverse landscape and range of fauna.  Having a background as a Chef in 5 Stars hotels, has given him a unique perspective on great customer service which he prides himself on.  When not glued to the TV watching Ice Hockey, you can find him in the mountains or on his bike


Nicolas Del Prete
Hedge Trimmer Extraordinnaire
Hailing from Argentina the land of BBQ and beer, Nico arrived 5yrs ago and has had his hands in the garden, or on a high powered machine ever since.  A keen snowboarder and tennis player that prides himself on a top quality job, whether its your garden or cooking that perfect piece of meat.

Tommasso Congestri
The Brushcutting Beast
If you are a blade of grass, or stalk of Broom, watch out! The Italian Stallion is a weapon on the brushcutter.  Coming from the middle of Italy amongst the olive groves, “Tom” is handy with a pair of pruning shears and chainsaw as well.  When not working you can find Tom hanging off a rock wall with his famously long beard blowing in the wind

Shawn, Luke and Tom cutting verges on the Alpine Retreat access road